Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Linux Distributions

  • Ubuntu Linux is now perhaps the best-known and most popular distribution of Linux. It is well designed, easy-to-use and has advanced the use of Linux as a desktop operating system more any other distribution.
  • Red Hat Linux has been around for a while and has acquired a reputation for consistency and reliability. It may not be the easiest to use or the most cutting-edge distribution, but it provides the type of high-quality support that is valued by companies, which made it the de-facto standard in corporate America.
  • Fedora Core is a Linux distribution sponsored by Red Hat. The objectives of Fedora Linux differ from those of Red Hat in that Fedora engages the Open Source community and is more experimental in nature.
  • Mandriva Linux has been very popular among new and home users. Installation is particularly user-friendly, and it runs by default the KDE Windows-like graphical desktop environment.
  • SuSE Linux is a serious alternative for Windows users, with solid, user-friendly installation and configuration tools. Its popularity is held back a little only by somewhat “un-Linux like” business practices, such as not providing ISO installation images for free download. They do, however, offer free FTP installation.
  • Lycoris is designed to be a user-friendly Linux distribution with particular emphasis on transitioning from Windows operating systems. Good choice for beginners.
  • Xandros Linux is a great choice for beginners who don’t mind to fork over a few dollars to get a worry free product. It is refined and reliable but with proprietary components that prevent re-distribution. No free download.
  • Linspire’s one-click web based software installation is quick and easy. An annual fee is charged for accessing Lindows software pool.
  • Knoppix provides an excellent run-from-CD solution, with its powerful hardware detection features and pain-free set-up. If desired, the system can be optionally installed on the hard disk to improve performance. It also comes with plenty of software.
  • Slackware Linux is a good opportunity to learn about the Linux operating system. It gives you back a long-lost sense of control and empowerment. No longer will you be at the mercy of graphical set-up wizards and mysterious background demons.
POST - Mohit Yadav []

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